
Departamento de Economía


Seminario de Dr. Cecilia Cuéllar (Universidad de Texas), el VIERNES 15 de diciembre, +info

Seminario titulado: 'The long-run consequences of gender discrimination on human capital in Mexico: a general equilibrium approach'. El seminario será el VIERNES día 15 de diciembre a las 12:30hs, en la sala Dr. Ernest LLuch (Dpto de Economía)


This study utilizes a New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model (NK-DSGE), which is particularly well suited for analyzing gender discrimination issues and home production, as Stempel and Neyer (2019) demonstrated. Our model incorporates human capital formation, similar to Malley and Woitek (2019) but focuses on gender differences in human capital accumulation. The model is calibrated to match the time devoted to paid work by men and women in the Mexican economy. This allows us to estimate the value of the parameter measuring household preference for consumption and leisure, and the parameter measuring labor market discrimination. We compare the steady-state values when the parameter measuring discrimination is zero; that is, in a scenario without firms' labor market discrimination. Our findings suggest that discrimination leads women to spend less time in education. In comparison, men spend more time on education, widening the educational and human capital accumulation gaps between genders. However, aggregate human capital was lower in the model with discrimination. Additionally, discrimination causes men to spend more time in paid work and women to spend less time in employment when there is no discrimination. Furthermore, in a discriminatory environment, women spend more time on unpaid work than men do. Lastly, the effects of discrimination are evident in the consumption and production levels in the economy, which are higher in the discriminatory environment, implying that discrimination has macroeconomic effects that are reflected in household welfare.

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