Economic Discussion Papers
- Residential water demand: Gender differences in water consumption
Roberto Balado-Naves, Sara Suarez-Fernandez
- Economic, Environmental, and Energy Equity Convergence: Evidence of a Multi-Speed Europe?
Manuel Llorca, Ana Rodriguez-Alvarez
- Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata
Kerui Du, Luis Orea, Inmaculada Álvarez
- How institutions shape the economic returns of public investment in European regions
Inmaculada C. Alvarez, Javier Barbero, Luis Orea, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
- Assessing environmental profiles: An analysis of water consumption and waste recycling habits
Marian García-Valiñas, Fernando Arbués, Roberto Balado-Naves
- Efficiency, perceived prices, and household water demand: A stochastic frontier analysis for the Spanish city of Gijón
Roberto Balado-Naves, Marian Garcia-Valiñas, David Roibas
- Evaluating the impact of improvement plan subsidies in Spanish dairy farms
José A. Pérez-Méndez, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- Management accounting practices and performance in organic farms. The link to local development
Beatriz García-Cornejo, José A. Pérez-Méndez, Alan Wall, David Castrillo Cachón
- Contribution of management accounting practices to the efficiency of organic farms
Beatriz García-Cornejo, José A. Pérez-Méndez, Alan Wall, David Castrillo Cachón
- Factors determining differences in organic agricultural production across Spanish regions
Luis Orea, Alan Wall
- Does land consolidation promote livestock production and combat rural depopulation? A multi-cohort multi-treatment Difference-in-Difference analysis of parishes in northern Spain
Luis Orea, José A. Pérez-Méndez, Inmaculada Álvarez
- Is it MOLS or COLS?
Christopher F. Parmeter
- Persistence and dynamics in the efficiency of toll motorways: The Spanish case
José F. Baños-Pino, David Boto-García, Emma Zapico
- Electricity Sector Reform Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Parametric Distance Function Approach
Adwoa Asantewaa, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca
- Estimating the propagation of the COVID-19 virus with a stochastic frontier approximation of epidemiological models: a panel data econometric model with an application to Spain
Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Alan Wall
- Spatial Production Economics
Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez
- Network Utilities Performance and Institutional Quality: Evidence from the Italian Electricity Sector
Golnoush Soroush, Carlo Cambini, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca
- Rural and agricultural development by land consolidation: a spatial production analysis of Asturias´ parishes
Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Luis Orea, Jose A. Perez-Mendez
- Does Specialization Affect the Efficiency of Small-Scale Fishing Boats?
Antonio Alvarez, Lorena Couce, Lourdes Trujillo
- The Econometric Measurement of Firms’ Efficiency
Luis Orea
- Effects of inter-industry and spatial spillovers on regional productivity: Evidence from Spanish panel data
Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Alberto Gude, Luis Orea
- Infrastructure, resource allocation and productivity growth: a mutually consistent decomposition of inter and intra-industry productivity effects
Luis Orea
- Utilities Governance, Incentives, and Performance: Evidence from the Water Sector in India
Sai Amulya Nyathikala, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca, Mukul Kulshrestha
- Institutions and Performance of Regulated Firms: Evidence from Electric Utilities in the Indian States
Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca, Pavan Khetrapal, Tripta Thakur
- Land fragmentation, output variability and technical efficiency in Spanish dairy farms
Graziella Bonnano, Domenico de Giovanni, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- Cow comfort and productive efficiency: An application to Spanish dairy farms
Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- The effects of forage crop mix on the efficiency and quality of milk production
Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- Animal health indicators and technical efficiency in milk production: a stochastic frontier analysis for Spanish dairy farms
Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- A primer on the theory and practice of efficiency and productivity analysis
Luis Orea, José L. Zofío
- A new stochastic frontier model with cross-sectional effects in both noise and inefficiency terms
Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez
- Heterogeneous spillovers among Spanish provinces: A generalized spatial stochastic frontier model
Alberto Gude, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Luis Orea
- Wage Frontiers in Pre & Post-Crisis Spain: Implications for Welfare and Inequality
Joanna M. Bashford-Fernández, Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez
- Revisiting the Decomposition of Cost Efficiency for Non-homothetic Technologies: A Directional Distance Function Approach
Juan Aparicio, José L. Zofío
- Matching frontiers: A random parameter model approach
José F. Baños, Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez, Patricia Suárez
- A spatial approach to control for unobserved environmental conditions when measuring firms’ technology: an application to Norwegian electricity distribution networks
Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Tooraj Jamasb
- Animal health indicators and technical efficiency in milk production: A stochastic frontier analysis for Spanish dairy farms
Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- Long run effect of public grants on the R&D investment: A non-stationary panel data approach
Inmaculada C. Álvarez-Ayuso, Chihwa Kao, Desiderio Romero-Jordán
- Energy efficiency and rebound effect in European road freight transport
Manuel Llorca, Tooraj Jamasb
- A spatial autoregressive panel model to analyze road network spillovers on production
Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Javier Barbero, José L. Zofío
- Modelling the effect of crime on economic activity: The case of Mexican states
Antonio Álvarez, Rafael Garduño, Héctor Núñez
- Evaluating the double effect of land fragmentation on technology choice and dairy farm productivity: A latent class model approach
Luis Orea, Jose A. Pérez, David Roibás
- Determinants of ground transport modal choice in long-distance trips in Spain
Pelayo González, José F. Baños, Matías Mayor, Patricia Suárez
- Spatial productivity of road transportation infrastructure
Pelayo Arbués, Matías Mayor, José F. Baños
- A dynamic approach to road freight flows modeling in Spain
Pelayo Arbués, José F. Baños
- Responses to changes in domestic water tariff structures: An analysis on household-level data from Granada, Spain
María Pérez Urdiales, María A. García-Valiñas, Roberto Martínez-Espiñeira
- Using the latent class approach as a supervised method to cluster firms in DEA: An application to the US electricity transmission industry
Manuel Llorca, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt
- Efficiency and environmental factors in the US electricity transmission industry
Manuel Llorca, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt
- Are dairy farms becoming more intensive? Impact on farm efficiency
Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias
- Accounting for Unobservables in Production Models: Management and Inefficiency
Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, William Greene
- The Effects of Resource Depletion on Coal Mining Productivity
Carlos Arias, Xosé Antón Rodríguez
- Risk-adjusted Productivity Measurement with Application to Spanish Dairy Farms
Luis Orea, Alan Wall
- Estimating the Productivity of Public Infrastructure using Maximum Entropy Econometrics
Jorge Rodriguez-Vález, Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, Esteban Fernandez
- Interpreting and Testing the Scaling Property in Models where Inefficiency Depends on Firm Characteristics
Antonio Álvarez, Christine Amsler, Luis Orea, Peter Schmidt
- Decomposing Regional Productivity Growth using an Aggregate Production Frontier
Antonio Álvarez
- Technical Efficiency in Farming: a Meta-regression analysis
Boris E. Bravo-Ureta, Daniel Solís, Victor Moreira, José Maripani, Abdourahmane Thiam, Teodoro Rivas
- On Graph Efficiency Measurement
Joaquín Millán
- Econometric Estimation of Fishing Production Functions when Stock is Unknown: A Monte Carlo Analysis
Antonio Álvarez
- Estimating a Mixture of Efficiency Indices
Subal Kumbhakar,Luis Orea, Ana Rodríguez, Efthymios Tsionas
- Europe Chasing the American Frontier
Robert J. Gordon
- Recent Developments in Stochastic Frontier Modeling
Subal Kumbhakar, Efthymios Tsionas
- Farm Household Production Efficiency: Evidence from The Gambia
Jean-Paul Chavas, Ragan Petrie, Michael Roth
- Allocative Inefficiency and its Cost: The Case of the Spanish Public Hospitals
Ana Rodríguez, Víctor Fernández, Knox Lovell
- The Relative Importance of Luck and Technical Efficiency in a Fishery
Antonio Álvarez, Leví Pérez, Peter Schmidt
- Empirical Consequences of Direction Choice in Technical Efficiency Analysis
Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, Subal Kumbhakar
- Graph Efficiency and Parametric Distance Function with an Application to Spanish Savings Banks
Rafael A. Cuesta, José L. Zofío
- Decomposing Productivity Growth under Production Risk
Luis Orea, Alan Wall
- Measuring Efficiency using a Stochastic Frontier Latent Class Model
Luis Orea, Subal Kumbhakar
- What does “Privatization” do for Efficiency? Evidence from Argentina and Brazil’s Railways
Antonio Estache, Marianela González, Lourdes Trujillo
- An Inter-Country Comparison of Agricultural Productivity with Intertemporal DEA
Natalia Aldaz, Joaquín A. Millán
- TFP Growth in Spanish Regions: Effects of Quasi-Fixed and External Factors and Varying Capacity Utilization
José E. Boscá, Javier Escribá, Mª.José Murgui
- The Dynamics of Efficiency Improving Input Allocation and Reorganization Costs
Spiro Stefanou, Onelack Choi, Jeffrey Stokes
- Productivity and Welfare
Lilyan Fulginiti, Richard Perrin
- Estimation of a Panel Data Model with Parametric Temporal Variation in Individual Effects
Chirok Han, Luis Orea, Peter Schmidt
- Choosing the Technical Efficiency Orientation to Analyze Firms’ Technology: A Model Selection Test Approach
Luis Orea, David Roibás, Alan Wall
- Non-Convex Technologies and Cost Functions: Definitions, Duality and Nonparametric Tests of Convexity
Walter Briec, Kristiaan Kerstens, Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
- Rent-Seeking Measurement in Coal Mining by Means of Labour Unrest: An Application of the Distance Function
Ana Rodríguez, Ignacio del Rosal, José Baños
- Capacity Utilization and Profitability: A Decomposition of Short Run Profit Efficiency
Tim Coelli, Emili Grifell-Tatje, Sergio Perelman
- Economic Efficiency and Value Maximization in Banking Firms
Ana Isabel Fernández, Fernando Gascón, Eduardo González
- Evaluating the Introduction of a Quasi-Market in Community Care: Assessment of a Malmquist Index Approach
Francisco Pedraja, Javier Salinas, Peter Smith
- Measuring Technical Efficiency with Neural Networks: a Review
Daniel Santín, Francisco Delgado, Aurelia Valiño
- Technical Efficiency and Productivity Potential of Firms Using a Stochastic Metaproduction Frontier
George Battese, D.S. Prasada Rao, Dedi Walujadi
- Human Capital and Macroeconomic Convergence: A Production-Frontier Approach
Daniel Henderson, Robert Russell
- New Developments in the Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Models with Panel Data
William Greene
- The Relationship Between Technical Efficiency and Farm Size
Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias
- Different Methods of Modeling Multi-Species Fisheries Using a Primal Approach
Antonio Álvarez, Luis Orea
- A Resource-Based Interpretation of Technical Efficiency Indexes
Eduardo González, Ana Cárcaba
- Some Issues on the Estimation of Technical Efficiency in Fisheries
Antonio Álvarez
- Future Research Opportunities in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
Knox Lovell