Seminario titulado: "An alternative approach for analysing the gender wage gap in managerial positions: a stochastic latent class model". El seminario será el miercóles 24 de enero a las 12:30hs, en la sala Dr. Ernest LLuch (Dpto de Economía)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the wage gap among workers holding managerial positions in Spain taking into account firm and individual characteristics. We choose this specific category as differences in unobservable characteristics within this group are likely to be reduced. We depart from the Mincerian wage regressions, traditionally used in labour economics, and estimate a wage frontier given individuals' human capital endowments, as well as other individual and firm characteristics. Then, we examine the distance between observed and potential wages as a function of both individual and workplace characteristics. Using data from the 2014 Spanish Structure of Earnings Survey, we find that firm characteristics, especially establishment size play a significant role in explaining the distance of workers' wages to their potential frontier. Managers in larger firms can achieve higher potential wages and their observed earnings are closer to their potential wage. Furthermore, females fail to achieve their potential wage to a greater extent than males.