Manuel Llorca, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt
María Pérez Urdiales, María A. García-Valiñas, Roberto Martínez-Espiñeira
A New Insight into the Home-Country Self- Employment Hypothesis: The Case of Spain
Maria Mercedes Garcia-Diez, Maria J. Perez-Villadoniga
Spatial productivity of road transportation infrastructure
Pelayo Arbués, Matías Mayor, José F. Baños
Selection of Socially Responsible Portfolios Using Hedonic Prices
Bilbao-Terol, A., Arenas-Parra, M., Cañal-Fernández, V., Bilbao-Terol, C.
Luis Orea, Jose A. Pérez, David Roibás
Determinants of ground transport modal choice in long-distance trips in Spain
Pelayo González, José F. Baños, Matías Mayor, Patricia Suárez
The determinants of non-cognitive education: Does the school matter? Empirical evidence from Spain
García-Valiñas, M.A., Muñiz Pérez, M.A. and Suárez-Pandiello, J.
Using TOPSIS for sustainability assessment of Government Bond funds
Bilbao-Terol, A.; Arenas-Parra, M.; Cañal-Fernández, V.; Antomil Ibias, J.
Effective tax rates in corporate taxation: a quantile regression for the EU
Delgado, F.J., E. Fernández-Rodríguez and A. Martínez-Arias
On the determinants of local tax rates: new evidence from Spain
Delgado, F.J., S. Lago-Peñas and M. Mayor
Manuel Llorca, José Baños, José Somoza, Pelayo Arbués
Bienes públicos locales y precios turísticos. Una aplicación del modelo hedónico
Ana González, Celia Bilbao, Ana Rodríguez
Expectations with Unrealistic Optimism: An Empirical Application
Humberto Brea, Emili Grifell-Tatjé, Luis Orea
Bayesian Estimation of Inefficiency Heterogeneity in Stochastic Frontier Models
Jorge E. Galán, Helena Veiga, Michael P. Wiper
Factors determining the response of hospitals to demand uncertainty
Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., D. Roibás and A. Wall
Social preferences for national defence and police enforcement in Western Europe
Prieto-Rodríguez, J. and J.G. Rodríguez